Monday, July 20, 2009

Unemployment - Shovel Ready Projects Needs Workers

Well, that is what you automatically thought and you would think that "The Right Thing To Do" would be to tell the TRUTH. After 6-months, just now, some (some) Shovel Ready Jobs are being filled but yet the Unemployment continues at a rate that is staggering.

Is there an Employment Czar in the White House? Don't you think it would be a good idea if you are doing Czars (The Right Thing To Do) to make every effort to organize activities that put people back to work NOW! Community Organizations (I thought we had a leader that knows all about such things) that help match people with jobs and help generate useful jobs by Mainlining Stimulus money to Main Street to put people back to work. Can't a Czar and the Secretary of Labor get down and make these things happen? (Why do we need a Czar if we have one - doesn't the Administration like the Secretary of Labor?) They have the nations leading "Community Organizer" to mentor them. Can't we lite a fire here to put people back to work NOW!! Why not?

By the way, give COL 2009 to the Social Security recipients. They will put the money back into the economy like they should..........I don't think they will take the money and go Buy A Bank like some others have....oh, that was another Group. This group really needs the money. Why pick on them..oh, they are OLD and don't know how to play the system - that makes them easy targets - some societies protect their seniors and don't see them as a group to exploit. Why don't you "Just Do The Right Thing." Maybe the Seniors should have the same benefits as those in Congress.......that seems like one way to "The Right Thing To Do."

Everyday, I am less and less impressed with the job that is being done in the White House. The lack of experience is showing. What is Community Organizing Experience doing for us now - esp on Main Street? We are waiting. More later (I am paying attention) Tyler Research Company All Rights Reserved 2009

Surgeon General - Health Care Reform - Looks Like a Nice Person

Who is the new Surgeon General? Oh, and, who is the Ambassador to the United Nations? I hate to have to bring this up but I see a trend here. Sort of obvious, but these are positions where well known people with great influence need to be in place. Both of these people seem to be nice people but neither have the background to bring the influence of the Office to bear on the problems and opportunities that are there to deal with. One has to ask he question of why is this working out this way? Is it that the blinding light that President Obama has generated as a personality that has allowed these people to be put into place? Wouldn't we like to have someone like General/Former Secretary of State/Former Ambassador to the United Nations Collen Powell as Ambassador to the United Nations? Well, I hope you get the point. Why isn't he?

And, Health Care Reform - a Surgeon General that has never dealt with these matters outside of her clinic? This is not a criticism of either of these people just questioning the people and process that have put these people in place. Don't we need a Powerhouse in this Position at THIS TIME of Health Care Reform? "Doing The Right Thing" Here are two areas where this is needed. My guess is if you look, you will find more of this. I do think it is a trend that is troublesome.

More 2 cents. And, don't forget the COL for Social Security.......we seem to have money for some very special interests outside of this country but not for our Seniors. And, don't forget the millions that are going hungry in this country. That's all I am saying for the moment.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

This Sunday July 19th, 2009 - Health Care Reform

Tonight, President Obama is scheduled to conduct a news conference which most think will be a discussion of the status of Health Care Reform. From what I see, there is a lot of pressure to get something in place ASAP. Also, the Health Care Reform Bill that the President wants passed has not been fully written so it is hard to evaluate it. Will it be another one of those Bills where 100's of pages are added right at the very end of the deadline for inclusion? My guess is that is exactly what will happen. Why?

Much like Cap and Trade, it is hard to see exactly what this reform will mean for the person in the street or the ones that person loves........the children and their future and the elders and their care. We know for example, that there is no compunksion to kill the COL for Social Security for this year. Want to stimulate the economy, give the people on SS their COL.......that money gets put into the economy because they need to spend it. So, what is the problem? Give them the COL.

Well, you get the point - who knows what will come from this complicated Health Reform Bill. Do you feel comfortable with all this? I don't. Doesn't feel right and it seems that the Presidents News Conference this evening is going to be arm twisting for the Need For Speed. When it is done..........ask the question...What did I just learn? Any thing that I didn't already know? I don't think so. If so, I will be happy to write about it tomorrow.

More later...........have a good evening. Tyler Research Company all rights reserved 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

How Confident Are You Feeling These Days? And, Just Do The Right Thing!

I guess if you work for J.P. Morgan you are feeling pretty good but if you are one of the half million losing their jobs each month maybe not so much. (Unemployment in Detroit is 15%.)

Was listening to the JPM CFO (forget your name)this week talking about how great things are...was wondering just how they made those really wasn't clear....he was really good at telling the "No Story." Of course, he was being interviewed by a Softball player...if you get my drift. (One of those reporters who Loves The Obama Administration) The Forget Your Name JPM CFO didn't offer any observations about the economic condition of the country (you know, the rest of us - he just stayed on the Obama Administrations Message.)

I would guess that someone who is qualified to be CFO of JPM could make some interesting suggestions regarding what impacts the rest of the country but......of course, he didn't. Sort of DISGUSTING. And they wonder why there is tremendous distrust of Wall Street and growing distrust of The Obama Administration - Is there a Czar for the Unemployeed? If not, maybe we NEED one. What's one more Czar more or less? Who do all the Czars report to anyway? The President? Really?

Oh, did I mention that the COL (Cost of Living) for those on Social Security has been canceled for this year -just like the increases for Congress, oops, sorry, they get their raises. Mmmm - just doesn't seem right does it? Maybe we need to look at more things through the prism of "Does It Seem Right or Do The Right Thing." Yes, I like - "Just Do The Right Thing." So, Congress, do the RIGHT THING re COL and Social Security.

That is my 2 cents worth for now........More

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Obama's Czars

We seem to have another significant aspect of the Federal Government - Czars - talk about all the President's Men/ accountability to the American much are they being paid?.........oh, you don't know? I don't either..........they report to the President.........what kind of screening do they go through? Oh, you don't know........I don't either.............a fast growing, I guess they created some jobs - theirs..............what do they do? I don't know either.........ummmmmm this all is a little disconcerting. At least it concerns me..............just putting it out there............I encourage the President friendly Media to do some in depth reporting on this subject and where is it going in the future? Will they be building a special wing on the White House.......The Czar Wing? Is there a Czar of the Czars - Well, my 2 cents this morning.........more later....rrtyler

Saturday, July 11, 2009

As Promised - Hunger In America

Here is the web site and the blog I created regarding Hunger In America. Over 30 million people going hungry in America and it has been this way for years. Time for us to fix this...........feeding the world is not just our problem, other countries need to step up more as well. But, we need to lead by example and solve the problem in our own country. Here is another start.........others are working on this too. The Administration needs to Renew efforts in this continuing problem. It isn't as if the resources are not there to do so. A little Community Organizing might help.

Tyler Research - Hunger In America Web Site

Web Site:

Blog: Tyler Research - Hunger In America

Support our efforts if you us at

Other sites from TPC We try to provide useful information.

rrtyler Tyler Publishing Company All Right Reserved 2009

A Place For Me To Express & Share Ideas, etc.

Once again, I thank Google for providing this easy to use method of publishing. I know there are other Blog Bases out there but Google has offered everything free and Free is an important thing these days plus innovative and with a high quality. What is not to like? (just a little message to Bill Gates and his partners - you provided many great products over the years and I am an admirer of your efforts but I am tired of paying over and over for the same functions and not being able to transfer what I have already paid for from my old computer to a new one. Maybe there is something that I missed and if so then please let me know and I will pass it along. In the meantime, I am using the Free functions on Google and I can access them from any computer no matter where I am. That is sort of a NOW thing! But, thanks Bill, I do appreciate your early efforts and have used them. I go back to the days of the Radio Shack's Trash 80 as it was affectionately called by early users.)

Sorry, for the Tech digression..........I am a thinker with a wide range of thoughts, interests, concerns, methods of expression etc. - I have already started a number of Web Sites and Blogs and expect to be creating more under my publishing flag ship - Tyler Publishing Company which you can find on Google Sites. I will make this site available shortly to all, I have a few things to clean up and you can follow along there as well.

This Blog gives me a place to put my latest thoughts and notes for those with interest to follow along and comment if you like. For example, I started a Web Site and corresponding Blog re Hunger In America - over 30 million in America. I will give you more information under a separate Post for those interested.

By the way, for those of you who are great writers and have concern about my style or other related things, my rule is this - "Does It Communicate The Idea?", if it does then it is fine. I am not a great writer and am not working at being one. Just - FYI.

So, stay tuned, more to come. Thanks again to Google for making this possible. Tyler Publishing Company All Rights Reserved 2009