Monday, July 20, 2009

Unemployment - Shovel Ready Projects Needs Workers

Well, that is what you automatically thought and you would think that "The Right Thing To Do" would be to tell the TRUTH. After 6-months, just now, some (some) Shovel Ready Jobs are being filled but yet the Unemployment continues at a rate that is staggering.

Is there an Employment Czar in the White House? Don't you think it would be a good idea if you are doing Czars (The Right Thing To Do) to make every effort to organize activities that put people back to work NOW! Community Organizations (I thought we had a leader that knows all about such things) that help match people with jobs and help generate useful jobs by Mainlining Stimulus money to Main Street to put people back to work. Can't a Czar and the Secretary of Labor get down and make these things happen? (Why do we need a Czar if we have one - doesn't the Administration like the Secretary of Labor?) They have the nations leading "Community Organizer" to mentor them. Can't we lite a fire here to put people back to work NOW!! Why not?

By the way, give COL 2009 to the Social Security recipients. They will put the money back into the economy like they should..........I don't think they will take the money and go Buy A Bank like some others have....oh, that was another Group. This group really needs the money. Why pick on them..oh, they are OLD and don't know how to play the system - that makes them easy targets - some societies protect their seniors and don't see them as a group to exploit. Why don't you "Just Do The Right Thing." Maybe the Seniors should have the same benefits as those in Congress.......that seems like one way to "The Right Thing To Do."

Everyday, I am less and less impressed with the job that is being done in the White House. The lack of experience is showing. What is Community Organizing Experience doing for us now - esp on Main Street? We are waiting. More later (I am paying attention) Tyler Research Company All Rights Reserved 2009

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