Saturday, September 19, 2009

The TV President - 5 Sunday Morning Shows

There is this saying - something about doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result................I have stopped address to a Joint Session of Congress with nothing really new was the last for me. And while the calling out during the address was unfortunate I have to say I had a similar feeling about a number of things said. Then there are things like illegal aliens will not be covered but he forgot to mention that he thought that they all should just be made citizens - i.e., then they will be covered because they won't be illegal. It is those sort of things that take the wind out of the sails. Have to watch both hands at all times. Politics - same old stuff. Nothing new with this President. (Just curious - Why no Fox Morning Show Interview? Just asking.)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No Death Panels - Sort of, but Let's Talk About Rationing

Here is a Simple little question...........who really runs Medicare? Do you know? Do you think you know? I bet you don't have a clue and haven't heard a word from someone who might be able to shed much light on the "Public Option" question in Health Care Reform.

Back to the matter of "Not Pulling The Plug On Grand Ma" I think that is what the President said or I remember him saying.............Nope, won't pull the plug, they just may never plug it in. Saves a step right there. That saves money or does it? Or is this simple Rationing.

Words are so interesting............and the President is very good with Words. But, not so much with Transparency. Falling way short with Transparency. Time after Time. I don't hear him talking so much about Transparency. I can understand why.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Transparency - Campaign Promise By President Obama

Transparency of:
Deals with Dr's, Nurse's, Hospital's, Pharmaceuticals, AARP, Vet Organizations

This is part of my new web site regarding Health Care Reform Outline.

This part is troubling from many points of view. President Obama made a big deal of "Transparency" in his Administration. So far, he get's a "D" if I had to grade it.

As pointed out - his claims that these groups are "On Board" for his Health Care Reform. He mentions that he negoiated something with them all. So, what did he negoiated? Where is the Transparency? It sounds great but we need the details and he promised that we would have the details through Transparency.

I will speak more to this issue but as I was creating the new web site , I just felt that this needs to appear on my Daily Blog.

Don't let them not make things Transparent. Speak your mind. You would think that it is easy to express your mind to these leaders but most do not want to hear from you and make it difficult to make direct contact. I will be researching this and providing you with the email, telephone, Facebook address, mailing addresses etc so that you can speak your mind. This is one of the most important rights you have as an American.

More later All Rights Reserved, Tyler Research Company, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Email from - Mr. David Axelrod, The White House on 8/13/09

Here is a quick note to Mr. Axelrod at the White House in response to the unsolicited email he sent me as my "Friend." Have never met the man. I don't address someone as my "Friend" unless I really know them. But, that is the least of, I am sharing my note to Mr. Axelrod in response to his email.

Mr. Axelrod:

Why did you send this email to me.....?? Why are you using my email
address?.....What rules are you using in using email lists? Why
didn't Robert Gibbs answer the questions regarding email lists asked
by Major Garrett - I watch the smirk on Mr. Gibbs face - Do The Right
Thing - Tell The Truth ...........What happened to Transparency in
this Administration?

And, why do you address me as "Friend?" I've never met,
maybe it is "Fellow American." What deals have been made with the
Dr's, Pham Companies, Hospital Organizations to make the health reform
work from a $$ point of view? I have not heard from any of the
leaders of these groups making proud statements about what they have
agreed to that helps Health Reform....why is that?

President Obama has not answered many of the questions regarding
Health Reform? His presentations have not impressed me. I keep
hoping that I will hear something really informative. I believe that
5 years after a bill passes I will not be able to keep my Dr. nor be
able to keep the Gap Insurance that I have now. So, stop telling me
that - tell me something that will really make me believe it.

Every time the President makes the remark about the older person who
doesn't want Socialized Medicine but don't touch her Medicare, really
upsets me. How insulting that comment is to the older American and
the way he presents it makes that person look STUPID. And the look on
his face when he makes that comment. It gives me a little look into
how the President views the Older Americans and it is frightening.
Makes me feel that a large part of the $$'s to pay for the Reform will
come from the Older American. While we don't have much, we do have a
Vote at the next election and we will remember these things at that

And, why does the President need 40 some Czars? Transparency please.

Did you put a cookie on my computer when I opened your email? I don't
trust what you people are doing. Where is the Transparency? Where is
it? You promised it.

Are you going to answer any of these questions....???

You do not have my permission to use my comments in any way.

Robert Tyler

I am an older American that isn't organized nor belongs to an
organization except AARP which I have complained to about their
conduct in the manner that they are supporting HR 3200. Reform is
needed but please Do The Right Thing The Right Way.

On 8/13/09, David Axelrod, The White House wrote:
> The White House, Washington
> Dear Friend,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Health Care Reform In America

America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 HR 3200

This is the link to the Text of the Bill. A very important piece of legislation to most people in the country.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Government Sites That Treat Your Computers As Their Own If You Let Them

Check out this entry on Glenn Becks web site and then go ahead and do some research regarding other sites.

What is the Government looking for? Even some State Governments. This is really disconcerting. Why would they take this approach to public information web sites?

There just seems to be any number of things that are getting stranger....such as the upcoming Census being controlled from the White House? It never has been in the past. Why now? And why the need for so many Czars? We haven't needed them in the past. They seem to be duplicating jobs already filled in the Government.

More Stay Alert.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Unemployment - Shovel Ready Projects Needs Workers

Well, that is what you automatically thought and you would think that "The Right Thing To Do" would be to tell the TRUTH. After 6-months, just now, some (some) Shovel Ready Jobs are being filled but yet the Unemployment continues at a rate that is staggering.

Is there an Employment Czar in the White House? Don't you think it would be a good idea if you are doing Czars (The Right Thing To Do) to make every effort to organize activities that put people back to work NOW! Community Organizations (I thought we had a leader that knows all about such things) that help match people with jobs and help generate useful jobs by Mainlining Stimulus money to Main Street to put people back to work. Can't a Czar and the Secretary of Labor get down and make these things happen? (Why do we need a Czar if we have one - doesn't the Administration like the Secretary of Labor?) They have the nations leading "Community Organizer" to mentor them. Can't we lite a fire here to put people back to work NOW!! Why not?

By the way, give COL 2009 to the Social Security recipients. They will put the money back into the economy like they should..........I don't think they will take the money and go Buy A Bank like some others have....oh, that was another Group. This group really needs the money. Why pick on them..oh, they are OLD and don't know how to play the system - that makes them easy targets - some societies protect their seniors and don't see them as a group to exploit. Why don't you "Just Do The Right Thing." Maybe the Seniors should have the same benefits as those in Congress.......that seems like one way to "The Right Thing To Do."

Everyday, I am less and less impressed with the job that is being done in the White House. The lack of experience is showing. What is Community Organizing Experience doing for us now - esp on Main Street? We are waiting. More later (I am paying attention) Tyler Research Company All Rights Reserved 2009